Colour Doppler Study in Differentiating Malignancy and Benign Breast Lumps

Dr Neethu Thomas
2017 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Colour Doppler sonography and Pulsed Doppler sonography have been used for last several years to evaluate breast tumours. But there are as yet no reliable investigational standards in colour Doppler sonography to classify the lesion as benign or malignant. Another reasonable goal of breast USG suggested is to identify a sub group of masses that have a very low risk of malignancy so that the option of follow-up can be offered as a viable alternative to biopsy. Accurate differentiation between
more » ... ign and malignant breast nodules could result in improved care and reduction of patient discomfort, morbidity and health care cost. Aim of this study are to determine whether Doppler and Color flow imaging is reliable in differentiating benign from malignant breast nodules and compare and correlate the ultrasound findings with biopsy results. Materials and Methods: This is an observational study with diagnostic test evaluation. The study population consisted of 64 women over the age of 30 years, presented with a breast nodule either on clinical examination or with mammography. Doppler sonography was performed on arterial vessels within the lesion. Multiple Doppler samples was taken from all the parts of the tumour, including the margins. Only the highest systolic peak flow velocity was used for statistical analysis. Doppler frequency spectra was analysed for peak systolic velocity (Vmax.), resistance index and pulsatility index. Stastistical analysis was done with SPSS v20 software. Biopsy taken from all lesions and results were compared with Doppler results. Results: Blood flow parameters RI, PI and peak systolic velocity showed significant difference between benign and malignant. The cutoff values for these parameters were determined by plotting ROC curves. In our study RI and PI showed higher values compared to benign tumors, due to increased impedance in these lesion. Conclusion: We arrived at cut-off value for RI and PI by drawing ROC curves. RI >0.61 and PI > 0.98 is significant for malignancy.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.208 fatcat:7lliw7q5c5dutpzesparcyzlcy