Charmless hadronicBdecays and the recent CLEO data

B. Dutta, Sechul Oh
2001 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
In the light of recent experimental data from the CLEO Collaboration we study, the decays of B mesons to a pair of pseudoscalar (P) mesons, and a vector (V) meson and a pseudoscalar meson, in the framework of factorization. In order to obtain the best fit for the recent CLEO data, we critically examine the values of several input parameters to which the predictions are sensitive. These input parameters are the form factors, the strange quark mass, ξ≡ 1/ N_c (N_c is the effective number of
more » ... , the CKM matrix elements and in particular, the weak phase γ. It is possible to give a satisfactory account of the recent experimental results in B → PP and VP decays, with constrained values of a single ξ. We identify the decay modes in which CP asymmetries are expected to be large.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.63.054016 fatcat:qe4ldy5swfgkxkbmrvbxp4scf4