Research on an Improved DV-HOP Localization Algorithm Based on PSODE in WSN

Dan Zhang, Zhiyi Fang, Lin Chen, Hongyu Sun, Yue Wang
2015 Journal of Communications  
DV-Hop localization algorithm is a range free localization algorithm in WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). In recent years, the research on range-free localization algorithm is one of the hot issue in WSN. DV-Hop algorithm is a simple, convenient operation, high efficiency and low energy consumption. But the the localization accuracy is low. In this paper, we study the traditional DV-Hop localization algorithm and propose an improved DV-Hop localization algorithm. In order to make the result of
more » ... improved DV-Hop algorithm more accurate, we propose an improved method. After the unknown nodes calculated their own estimated coordinate values by using the improved DV-hop algorithm, the PSODE algorithm is applied to the values to improve the localization accuracy. Simulation results show that this method can improve the localization accuracy of nodes obviously in WSN.
doi:10.12720/jcm.10.9.728-733 fatcat:t7iytfhz2nhs3aclbz4fyy7ski