Sustainability Assessment and Development Direction of Super High–rise Residential Complexes from the Viewpoints of Residents

Kyuin Lee
2007 Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering  
The study intends to assess the sustainability of super high-rise residential complexes from the viewpoint of residents. For the purpose of this study, the research first reviewed the KGBCC (Korean Green Building Certification Criteria) and related research materials. Secondly, it established sustainability indicators for assessment through synthesis of the KGBCC and UN Habitat Agenda. Finally, the assessment was completed by a survey of the residents of two similar super high-rise residential
more » ... omplexes. The analysis shows that sustainability of super high-rise residential complexes in Korea is low, and the area of ecological environment, energy use and indoor environment must be improved to enhance sustainability. Moreover, the following ten items have to be improved; expansion of interior and exterior green spaces, the establishment of natural habitats, natural ventilation, energy saving, barrier-free planning, the use of environmentally friendly building materials, greening of artificial ground, wind disaster prevention, and expansion of built-in storage spaces. Fig.1. The number of super high-rise residential buildings by city
doi:10.3130/jaabe.6.127 fatcat:do3pq2teznbbbny5r4bioa4pty