(A16) Injury Pattern and Disaster Plan for Landmines and Improvised Explosive Device Blast

S.K. Choudhary
2011 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine  
Discussion: During a four month period, with a team of physicians, government officials and public health staff developed a model trauma registry. The registry emphasized simplicity in design and execution and will serve as a stepping stone for a nation-wide trauma registry. Data collected from JDWNRH will provide the MoH with a detailed set of injury data to help with policy and resource utilization decisions. Logistical and technical challenges of developing a trauma registry are similar
more » ... s health systems and this data collection tool and the lessons learned could be adapted to fit other institutions or health systems worldwide.
doi:10.1017/s1049023x11000331 fatcat:e4nt4cizqvbe5myqnv2ge4x6yq