O Uso do Software WordPress para Criação e Manutenção de Blogs nas Escolas

João Ludovico Maximiano Barbosa, Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes, Walteno Parreira Junior
2016 Anais dos Workshops do V Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2016)   unpublished
The blog is a tool that allows the exchange of information. Thus, more and more educators are exploring this tool and its pedagogical potential that allows an important exchange of knowledge between students and teachers, especially contribute so that both can be recycled, update and share knowledge. Also, WordPress is a Web content management application, which has the capability of creating blogs. This is one of the most popular tools in the creation of blogs, being adopted to be more
more » ... onal and offer different features. In this perspective, the objective of this work is to show the use of the WordPress software for creating blogs through manuals, in order to assist school teachers.
doi:10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2016.497 fatcat:qdgbd7nperflzprany6xcghsoe