Assessment of Soil Salinity for Different Plant Groups in Different Habitats

Chitra K.
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Soil is the medium for plants to live. It provides nourishment to the plants. Plants growth and development is based on the nutrients which are present in soil. Soil mineral conditions are correlated with soil pH and electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity reflects the salinity nature of soil. In agriculture, crop cultivation is affected due to salinity. Soil salinity greatly influences the ecological environment. In this present study soil samples were collected from three different
more » ... ant groups from three different habitats. Soil analyses were done by standard methods. pH, electrical conductivity, TDS and salinity of different plant groups soils were measured. Sodium, potassium, calcium and lithium were also tested for different soil samples. The present study clearly showed that, nature of soils in different habitats. The concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium and lithium are higher, below the optimum level, very low and above the normal level respectively.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.5127 fatcat:hdnsc5ynzbe3jj55skb3bpb2ba