2-manifold reconstruction from sparse visual features

Vadim Litvinov, Shuda Yu, Maxime Lhuillier
2012 2012 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D)  
The majority of methods for the automatic surface reconstruction of a scene from an image sequence have two steps: Structure-from-Motion and dense stereo. From the complexity viewpoint, it would be interesting to avoid dense stereo and to generate a surface directly from the sparse features reconstructed by SfM. This paper adds two contributions to our previous work on 2-manifold surface reconstruction from a sparse SfM point cloud: we quantitatively evaluate our results on standard multiview
more » ... taset and we integrate the reconstruction of image curves in the process.
doi:10.1109/ic3d.2012.6615134 fatcat:4fwb3almpbe7jaav5wz5fpoaty