Buoyancy-driven Flow in Heterogeneous Materials

T.A. Meckel, S.L. Bryant
2014 Energy Procedia  
This research explores the processes and geologic influences on buoyancy-dominated flow for CCS applications. Initially some justification is provided for the focus on such processes. This is accomplished via observations from the injection flow behavior at the well-documented Sleipner site as well as from some simple flow modelling that focuses on the distinction between overpressure, pressure gradient, and flow velocity. The paper concludes with a presentation of results from invasion
more » ... ion models of natural 2D geologic specimens at high resolution, emphasizing the important control small-scale heterogeneity can have on bulk saturation.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.582 fatcat:u7ywh3oyczecln3336rd244ftu