Developers' importance from the leader perspective

Guilherme Tangari, Marcelo Maia
2015 Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering  
Several companies use the amount of deliveries as a metric of performance evaluation of the developer. However, the productivity of a developer and his importance for the company is not only related to the amount of lines of code produced. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to the relevance of a developer for a team. This paper aims at mapping some of these factors, measuring those that are more important for companies and propose an evaluation model of developer importance that
more » ... considers more than just deliveries. We have found that some factors are more important than others and that there are minor differences for different companies. We have also developed a high accuracy classifier that can indicate the importance of the developer based on a set of attributes.
doi:10.18293/seke2015-56 dblp:conf/seke/TangariM15 fatcat:nr3ctklctvatteudhy2t5bz4qu