多モデル・クロス推論によるカメラ形態発想支援の試み : デザイン発想支援システムの開発研究-5
Multi-Model Cross Inference for Supporting the Synthesis of New Camera Form : Studies on the Development of Computer Assisted Idea Promoting System for Designers - 5

Hisataka Noguchi, Atsunosuke Tanaka
1996 Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design  
In the phase of divergent thinking in the synthe − sis of form, a designer has to generate as many acceptable forms for design concept as possible. However , the experienced designer tends to falI into stereptyped patterns of thirlking which pre − vent him from generating fresh ideas, ln order to support getting fresh idea for designer in that situation , we propose a method of cross inference model , The idea of cross infe − rence model is as follows, Preparing several neura ト network models
more » ... ch of which has learned the relations between patterns of design cocept and elements of form in certain product, we put a pattern of desigrl concept of certain product into the other product 「 s model , then unpredictable patterns of e [ ements of torm which can be clues of gerlerating fresh ideas are generated . Acase of camera design in which 3 product groups of camera have used for cross inference models is introduced here, 1 .は じ め に
doi:10.11247/jssdj.42.27_2 fatcat:oze4m2z6bjgptohv4r74nk6t7q