Ultra-Widely Tunable, Narrow Linewidth Picosecond Fiber-Optical Parametric Oscillator

Yue Zhou, K K Y Cheung, Sigang Yang, P C Chui, K K Y Wong
2010 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters  
We demonstrate a picosecond fiber-optical parametric oscillator with an ultrawide tuning range pumped by a relatively low-cost intensity-modulated pump. The tuning range of the oscillator is from 1320 to 1520 nm and from 1580 to 1820 nm, which is as wide as 440 nm, with a wavelength span of 500 nm. A 40-m dispersion-shifted fiber is employed inside a cavity as the parametric gain medium. In the wavelength region from 1320 to 1395 nm and from 1720 to 1820 nm, the linewidth of the sideband is
more » ... than 1 nm without the use of any wavelength-selective element inside the cavity. Pulses with pulsewidths from 7 to 17 ps are generated. Index Terms-Optical parametric amplifier, optical parametric oscillator (OPO), optical pulse generation.
doi:10.1109/lpt.2010.2085078 fatcat:jkb4gyf3mvg3zfjk47ennukz4a