Eman Abd Elalim Etway
2021 The Malaysian Journal of Nursing  
E-learning has become important in higher education organization to enhance their educational provision. Although e-learning had made learning flexible, but it had brought numerous problems, including how to give and receive feedback, issues of role models, recognition, administrative system, human aspect of training, and bringing together the community of learners. Aim: Assess the e-learning: problems and strategies of improvements from the faculty students' points of view. Design: Descriptive
more » ... design was used in this study. Subject: Convenient sample of senior students (n=170) who had been exposed to electronic courses. Setting: At Accredited faculty of nursing, Cairo University. Tools: Two questionnaires were developed and used for data collection; Problems of e-learning (42 items) and Strategies of improvements of problems (10 items). Results: The findings of the present study conclude that nursing students were highly perceived e-learning system problems (Mean%=78.26) followed by (77.95%, 67.08%) for the problems related to the administrative system and the problems related to the academic staff respectively and the highly perceived (Mean% =63.5%), also the best strategies of improvements were regarding offering training courses for faculty members and students on how to use e-learning and establishing a stable system for the periodic maintenance of computers, headsets, and laboratory tools. Conclusion: The finding of this present study concludes that the nursing students found the e-learning system problems was on the top of the problems and the best strategies of improvements from students' perspectives were offering training courses for faculty members and students. Recommendations: Faculty administration should design intensive training program to faculty staff and nursing students to improve their competences about e-learning system, improving the infrastructure and its technical equipments in order to create the right conditions for teachers in teaching, preparing professional technical staff to maintain electronic equipment, infrastructure and support user.
doi:10.31674/mjn.2021.v12i03.015 fatcat:7ublqjghybbytbawlhbobjxes4