Pluralism, Dissent, and Peace: A Subaltern View

Gnana Patrick
2012 Zenodo  
In this article the author argues that religious pluralism cannot be grasped deeply in a-historical manner; it needs, on the other hand, a context-specific exploration in order to make meaningful statements upon it. It has to be anchored context-sensitively on social reality as it obtains in different instances of situatedness, the sitz-im-leben of life. Accordingly, this reflection would like to pursue a socio-religious approach, anchoring on a subaltern location. This agonistic experience of
more » ... eligious pluralism takes place in a dialectics of dissent and ascent. It is a dissent to the dominating other, and an ascent to the dominated self; it is an acute moment of experiencing distinction and identity, in an on-going process of negotiation with the other. This negotiation takes place within a deeper experience of the divine dialectics of transcendence and immanence, a spiritual experience which transcends the historical experience of domination, even while affirming and assuring a new emancipatory identity to the dominated.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4172955 fatcat:xssjplbw2fd7ld4ujyxqw3duuq