Autumn Cultivation of Farewell-To-Spring (Clarkia amoena A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr.) in Unheated Foil Tunnel in Lower Silesia Condition

Przemysław Bąbelewski, Magdalena Pancerz
2015 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: A  
In conditions of Poland, farewell-to-spring never was cultivated for cut flowers in unheated foil tunnel. Specific conditions of Lower Silesia, together with the short cultivation cycle and small demands of this plant, are promised for its cultivation in this region of Europe. The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of two farewell-to-spring varieties for the cultivation for cut flowers in unheated foil tunnel in Lower Silesia conditions during autumn time. The two-factorial
more » ... nt was carried out by the method of random blocks in Research-Development Station of Vegetable and Ornamental Plants of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The first factor was the variety-"Grace White" and "Brillant" and the second was the year of cultivation-2012 and 2013. Measurements included number and length of flower stems, number of flower buds and leaves per flower stem, fresh and dry weight of flower stem and leaves color parameters. Total chlorophyll content was also determined. Studies showed that autumn cultivation of farewell-to-spring is reasonable because of its high yield (about 640 flower stems/m 2 ) with long flower stems from 50 cm up to 80 cm. In Lower Silesia conditions, the variety "Grace White" has proven to be better; it produced higher number of flower stems with higher number of lowers buds and thus flowers. In terms of thermal conditions, more favorable was year 2013, in which the plants produced longer flower stems and had higher total chlorophyll content in leaves. After inserting the flower stems in tap water, all flower buds developed.
doi:10.17265/2161-6256/2015.05.005 fatcat:ho7v7vp3gzarlcarqltwydapz4