Austrian foreign policy under Alois Mock

Magdalena Brottrager
2012 unpublished
The present work outlines Austria's foreign policy between 1987 and 1995. In this timeframe Dr. Alois Mock was Foreign Minister. This position allowed him to highly influence Austrian foreign policy. A closer look on Mock's life and his political career is taken so one can understand the choices he made better. Two main historic events are the focus of the research period. First, the changing relation between Austria and Hungary is examined. At the beginning of Mock's term as Foreign Minister
more » ... ese two countries were separated through the Iron Curtain, but after 1989 they were able to reestablish their friendly relations. Austria was very eager in supporting the new independent Hungary in becoming a stable country. Austria becoming a member of the EU is the second focus in this work. Again, substantial changes in positions can be detected in the investigation period. At the beginning of 1987 a membership was considered as not possible, but already in 1995 Austria could call itself a full member. These two events are further analyzed with the concept of securitization, which was developed by the Copenhagen School; whether the changing relations with Hungary or Austria's EU membership were treated as existential threats to Austria's security. According to the concept, the use of extraordinary measures is allowed when an issue is seen as an existential threat. It is further argued, that only a partial securitization took place in both cases, because not all prerequisites according to the definition are fulfilled. In conclusion, it can be said that the partial securitization is positive, because it was possible to deal with the issues within the framework of normal politics.
doi:10.25365/thesis.18363 fatcat:6xwbobbn2bf2ha7vctpkvrb4v4