1868 The Lancet  
239 next of kin of deceased officers and soldiers, he holds no less than :S430, the property of Surgeon-Major Henry Cape, de-ceased, late of the Bengal Medical Service. We notice the fact in order to attract the attention of any members of the profession who may be acquainted with a relative of the deceased officer. ____ THE mortality in the eight principal towns of Scotland during January was considerably below the average for the season. The deaths of children under five years of age
more » ... ed 41 per cent. of the total mortality, this proportion being exceeded in Dundee, Glasgow, and Greenock. Zymotic disease caused 20 per cent. of the mortality, a rate which was surpassed in Paisley and Leith from the prevalence of scarla-
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)61348-0 fatcat:ly5z4t44izhsfc76jdjg7r5ok4