Characterizing and correcting hyperion detectors using ice-sheet images

R. Bindschadler, Hyeungu Choi
2003 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
Two Hyperion images of the Greenland ice sheet are used to characterize errors in the VNIR and SWIR detector arrays of Hyperion. Spatial variability in detector output is seen in both arrays and, in both cases, is largest at the shorter wavelengths and decreases as wavelength increases. Standard deviations of the maximum variability are 40 DN for the VNIR array and 123 DN for the SWIR array. Temporal stability is nearly as large and exhibits the same spectral characteristics of large
more » ... at shorter wavelengths and decreasing with increasing wavelengths. The uniformity and stability of the ice-sheet surface enables a detailed characterization and emphasizes the utility of using ice sheets as targets to achieve on-orbit sensor characterization.
doi:10.1109/tgrs.2003.813208 fatcat:vgiqs6ic3fbwvgbie7wtjwahsq