Recently Patented Inventions

1891 Scientific American  
Electrical. DYNAMO E LECTRIC MACHINE,-Charles pinion, while a cOllr,entric countersunk screw holds down the pinion on the arbor and compresses the screw. SEWING MACHINE.-Clarence Harman, Omaha, Neb. This inventIOn covers improvements in the shuttle-carrying mechanism, the stop motion, and the feed mechanism and regulator, designed to make a simple, strong and inexpensive machine which will be P. Schellritzel and John L. Hess, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ac· cording to this invention, the armature is formed
more » ... of colis of equal length made separately and applied to the armature to overlap each other and form a regular series around the armature core, there being a novel ar-as efficient in operation as more complicated machines. rangement of commutator blUshes, whereby the current FIRE ESCAPE. -George W. Bowman, may he given from the coils singly m succession or Red Cliff, Col. This escape is made in the form of an from two or more coils in parallel, and the generator easy chair. so constructed that in its descent a guy tape and motor being operated upon an open or closed or rope will be so wound as to return the chair from the circuit plan. ground to the elevation it had descended from, a .imple Mechanical.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican01101891-26 fatcat:xwgdaltjzzhtpnjgpej2ofnhva