(2007) Interchanging knowledge and experiments in a learning community. in a view of collaborative. work

Filomena Amador, Jorge Valadares, José Coelho, Vítor Rocio, Fernando Caetano, C. Dias Gaspar, C. Ribeiro, J. Remédios, F. Costa
2007 Zenodo  
This work describe and analyze an experiment based in a programme of permanent seminars -e-DCET organized with the objective of developing practices of collaborative work inside the Departamento de Ciências Exactas e Tecnológicas (Universidade Aberta - -Portugal), valuing the active sharing of pedagogic practices and knowledge at a variety -of levels. Various themes were discussed and analyzed , among them we highlighted some experiences of online teaching in formal and non-formal contexts,
more » ... management in MoodIe LMS, news from international e-Iearning meetings, visual representations and teaching chemistry online, pseudo-code as a communication language using Notetab and interactive materials in teaching mathematics.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2673231 fatcat:tpqpvzua65fu5k4nlma4sr6awa