Importance of Pollution Controlling by Grey Correlation Analysis

Li-na Wang, Yi-tong Wang
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2018)   unpublished
Pollution controlling's incentive and monitoring are important issues in environmental management. However, in the mechanism of pollution controlling, the importance of pollution controlling indexes determine the selection of controlling order and efficiency of pollution controlling, management authorities, to sewage enterprises' pollution-control behavior, often demanding evidence and identify which ones are more important incentive and monitoring indicators. 3 pollution controlling's
more » ... and monitor indicators are selected: pollution controlling quality, pollution controlling costs, on-time completion rate, setting 4 sets of variable factors, modeling and analysis based on grey correlation theory and doing research, concluded that the relative importance of indicators, expected to offer reference for effectively motivating enterprises to control pollution and supervising authorities.
doi:10.2991/iceep-18.2018.295 fatcat:k2eukjld4vfztlgifemyi7ivye