Value and Momentum in the Cross Section of Housing Market Returns of New Zealand

Jinji Hao, Daniel Dunstan
This paper examines if there are value and momentum effects in the New Zealand housing market across different regions. It is found that the short-term momentum effect exists with the winner regions in the past year outperforming the loser regions in the following year by 2.06%, mainly from capital gains, after adjusting for the market risk. The house returns exhibit long-term reversal with the winner regions in the last six years underperforming the loser regions in each of the next eight
more » ... due to lower capital gains. A value effect is present with regions with high rent-price ratios outperforming those with low rent-price ratios in each of the next seven years due to persistent higher rental yields. However, both the reversal effect and value effect can be explained by the market risk.
doi:10.25455/wgtn.17126669.v1 fatcat:t52tqbdzkrc2jekl355w7yzy44