A case of amyloidosis with diffuse pulmonary shadow

Masami Nakamata, Kazuharu Tsukioka, Toshiaki Tsuchiya, Ariyoshi Kondoh, Tadashi Hashimoto
1986 The Japanese Journal of Thoracic Diseases  
A 63 year-woman was admitted to Nishi-Niigata National Hospital because of abnormal chest X-ray findings in May '81. Chest roentgenogram revealed bilateral diffuse linear and reticular shadow. Her physical examination was normal but her laboratory studies demonstrated elevated serum y-globulin without M-bow and decreased DLCO. The TBLB specimen showed thickening of the bronchial wall with little cellular infiltration and little changes of the alveolar septa. Receiving no treatment, she was
more » ... ted to another hospital because of sick sinus syndrome in August 1982 and permanent pacemaker was implanted. However, she died in our hospital because of severe cardiopulmonary failure in December 1982. Autospy findings revealed cardiopulmonary amyloidosis. Amyloid doposits were shown in peribronchial and perivascular tissues and alveolar walls. In the Japanese literature, only a few cases of diffuse pulmonary amyloidosis have been reported.
doi:10.11389/jjrs1963.24.281 fatcat:xgs6m6i4rfbelf34pbhss7xy3m