Dlaczego Polacy wciąż wracają do historii? Gerhard Gnauck, Polen verstehen. Geschichte, Politik, Gesellschaft, Stuttgart 2018, ss. 318

Monika Wiśniewska
2019 Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa  
a German-language compendium of knowledge about the history of Poland and current socio-political conditions in this country. The tasks that the author set out in his work are discussed and an attempt is made to answer the question to what extent the outlined plans were achieved. The last part of the text refl ects on the importance of the monograph to the German reader and German-Polish relations.
doi:10.4467/0023589xkhnt.19.036.11044 fatcat:ndliz44jfrgqpm6h4rl6gzlxpu