Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Muscidae, Phaoniinae): II: revisão das espécies

Sônia Maria Prevedello Coelho
2000 Revista Brasileira de Zoologia  
Phaollia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Muscidae, Phaoniinae). 11. Revision of lhe neolropical species. Thirty eight species are recognized in the Neotropical Region. Twenty four are redescribed and illuslrated and fourteen were nOl redescribed, beca use they are well detinite in lhe original descriplion . A new combination for Mydaea triseta Curran, 1931 lO Phaonia and the revalidalion of P. nigripuncta Stein, 1911 are made. Five new synonyms are proposed: P. coquillelli (Vimmer, 1939) = P.
more » ... nervis Stein, 1911; P. nigrocincta Stein, 1918 = P. abdila (Giglio-Tos, 1893); P. praedatoria (Snyder, 1957) = P. /atinervis (Stein, 1904); P. vu/gala (Albuquerque & Medeiros, 1980) = P. simi/ala (Albuquerque, 1957); P. nigra (Albuquerque & Medeiros, 1980) = P. trispi/a (BigOl, 1885). A key to lhe neotropical species is presented tor the thirty eight recognized species.
doi:10.1590/s0101-81752000000300023 fatcat:e4tohh3yfve33fsggvigkgfluq