An anatomical study of a new portal for ankle arthroscopy

R. A. Buckingham, I. G. Winson, A. J. Kelly
1997 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery  
We describe a medial midline portal between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and tibialis anterior for arthroscopy of the ankle. We dissected 20 cadaver specimens to compare the risk of neurovascular injury using this approach with that of using standard arthroscopic portals. Compared with the anterocentral portal, the medial midline was a mean of 11.2 mm further from the nearest branch of the superficial peroneal nerve and 10.3 mm further from the dorsalis pedis artery. This portal
more » ... s good access to the joint surface and intra-articular structures and has a lower risk of injury to the dorsalis pedis artery, deep peroneal nerve or the medial branch of the superficial peroneal nerve.
doi:10.1302/0301-620x.79b4.7428 pmid:9250759 fatcat:r47sgkpilbft5irfsqyqxi3aim