Influence of Service Quality to the Satisfaction, Commitment and Costumers Saving Relationship intention on the Main Branch of South East Sulawesi Regional Development Bank

Hayat Yusuf Abadi
2014 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
Influence of service quality to the satisfaction, commitment and costumers saving relationship intention on the main branch of South East Sulawesi Regional Development Bank. Service quality delivery to the costumers due to the competition with the other services company is analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and interferential statistic using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) package program AMOS 4.0 and SPSS version 11.5. The result shows that service quality has
more » ... cant influence to the satisfaction, commitment and relationship intention.
doi:10.9790/487x-16222934 fatcat:dx7rweqh45hmhax4e4lvni7pzq