Competency Mapping Based Work Area Electrical Industry Classification for Vocational Education and Training

Hasanah Hasanah, Nasir Malik Muh.
2015 Proceedings of the 3rd UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training   unpublished
The purpose of this study was to map the electrical field work competency based industry classification. Competency mapping work in this study considers the Regional Model Competency Standards (RMCS), namely: the task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills, job/role environment skills, and skills transfer. The research is a survey by the method of analysis tasks through DACUM approach. The survey was conducted in several industries to identify the types of industries.
more » ... ect of research focused on large industrial, namely Factory PT. Semen Tonasa Pangkep South Sulawesi. The results of research in the form of electrical competence, with 6 basic competencies, namely: (1) basic electricity, (2) basic electronics, (3) maintenance and repairs, (4) the operation of electric power, (5) the management of electricity, and (6) health work safety. Six basic competences can be used as basis for the development of vocational education and training.
doi:10.2991/ictvet-14.2015.20 fatcat:i2eccfqcy5baboxsntkaceiimm