
Vinay Mathur, Aditya Pratap Singh, Chetan Sharma, Ramesh Tanger, Rajlaxmi Jaysing Pardeshi
2014 Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences  
Immature teratoma (IMT) is tumor composed of tissues from ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm and is considered the second most common germ cell tumor. IMT account for 10-20% of all ovarian neoplasias in women less than 20 years of age, with peak incidence between 15 and 19 years old. IMT rarely occurs during menopause. We herein reporting a rare case in a 3 years old girl with bilateral immature ovarian teratoma which is very rare in bilateralism of tumor as well as the fact that the patient age
more » ... below the average for the occurrence of these tumors.
doi:10.14260/jemds/2014/3684 fatcat:3liw4raigfguff5ga4d2mlllua