U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Minnesota [unknown]

D.R. Albin
1988 Antarctica A Keystone in a Changing World   unpublished
GROUND-WATER ISSUES Nearly 700 million gallons of ground water are withdrawn every day in Minnesota, mostly for public supply, irrigation, and domestic and commercial use. About 94 percent of the public water-supply systems in the State use ground water and 75 percent of all Minnesotans obtain their domestic supplies from ground water. The major issues related to this important resource in Minnesota are: Availability of ground water and effects of developing water supplies from wells in
more » ... rift aquifers, Ground-water contamination from hazardous wastes, and Effects of land use on ground-water quality.
doi:10.3133/ofr88127 fatcat:jcnm7bkey5a2nee6alnu6vn7cq