Application of PBL Teaching Method in Environmental Science Major—Experience from Ecological Agriculture Construction Program

Si-ying CHEN, Ning LIU, Fu-yang WANG, Jie CHEN
2019 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
The development of Internet technology has brought the technical support to teaching model change in classroom teaching process. In the new era and new background, mixed teaching mode emerges as the times require. The mixed teaching mode constructs the traditional face-to-face classroom teaching mode combined with modern network multimedia teaching mode, and realizes a new teaching and learning mode combining face-to-face teaching with digital learning. It realizes students' autonomy,
more » ... and creativity in the learning process, while teachers play the role of guidance, inspiration and monitoring in the teaching process. With the help of "Super Star Learning Link" and the application of "Business Negotiation" course, this paper explores to provide experience for classroom teaching reform by using the mixed teaching mode.
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/aems2018/28037 fatcat:yszgvqfwrjac5abgscbfe7kycq