Positive integrable solutions for nonlinear integral and differential inclusions of fractional-orders

Shorouk Al-Issa, Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed El-Sayed
2009 unpublished
In this paper we study the global existence of positive integrable solution for the nonlinear integral inclusion of fractional order x(t) ∈ p(t) + I α F 1 (t, I β f 2 (t, x(ϕ(t)))), t ∈ (0, 1). As an application the global existence of the solution for the initial-value problem of the arbitrary (fractional) orders differential inclusion dx(t) dt ∈ p(t) + I α F 1 (t, D γ x(t))), a.e t > 0 will be studied. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 34A12, 45G05.