On the prospects of high power wideband multibeam klystrons with depressed collector

Anatoly Galdetskiy, Serguey Scherbakov, P. Yermolov
2019 ITM Web of Conferences  
A new approach for bandwidth increasing of output resonator system in multibeam klystron is proposed. Significant lowering of loaded Q-factor is accompanied by decreasing of electron efficiency and output power which is compensated by depressing of collector voltage and enlarging total electron current by means of gaining the number of beams (bundles). We use dissected collector magnetic polepiece to restrict its heating by secondary electrons and to make possible rising of the depression
more » ... Problems of temperature regime of collector polepiece are considered. Calculation demonstrates acceptable level of temperatures on polepiece.
doi:10.1051/itmconf/20193002005 fatcat:lzeyetdxfbgqfcuig5onn5jolu