PRACA ORYGINALNA Spiroergometryczna ocena wydolności wysiłkowej u pacjentów po 30 roku życia z drożnym ubytkiem międzyprzedsionkowym Cardiopulmonary exercise test in the evaluation of exercise capacity in patients over 30 years of age with patent atrial septal defect

Folia, Olga Trojnarska, Klinika Kardiologii, Instytutu Kardiologii, Marcinkowskiego, Poznaniu, Olga Trojnarska, Ewa Straburzyńska-Migaj, Zofia Oko-Sarnowska, Romuald Ochotny, Andrzej Cieśliński, Klinika Kardiologii (+7 others)
2005 unpublished
Adult patients with atrial septal defect in most cases describe their physical performance as normal. This fact may further delay the decision to close the defect. Subjective perception of resting physical fitness does not fully relate to patient's clinical status. The aim of the study was to determine exercise capacity using spiroergometry, in adult asymptomatic patients with atrial septal defects.