Human Face Detection Systemin ANew Algorithm

HewaMajeed Zangana
2017 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
Trying to detecting a face from any photo is big problem and got these days a focusing because of it importance, in face recognition system,face detection in one of the basic components. A lot of troubles are there to be solved in order to create a successful face detection algorithm. The skin of face has its properties in color domain and also a texture which may help in the algorithm for detecting faces because of its ability to find skins from photo. Here we are going to create a new
more » ... m for human face detection depending on skin color tone specially YCbCr color tone as an approach to slice the photo into parts. In addition, Gray level has been used to detect the area which contains a skin, after that anotherlevel used to erase the area that does not contain skin. The system which proposed applied on many photos and passed with great accuracy of detecting faces and it has a good efficient especially to separate the area that does not contain skin or face from the area which contain face and skin. It has been agreed and approved that the accuracy of the proposed system is 98% in human face detection.
doi:10.9790/0661-1901036166 fatcat:axcohtjiwffhxlxuvhmrhekbna