Spontaneous dc Current Generation in a Resistively Shunted Semiconductor Superlattice Driven by a Terahertz Field

Kirill N. Alekseev, Ethan H. Cannon, Jonathan C. McKinney, Feodor V. Kusmartsev, David K. Campbell
1998 Physical Review Letters  
We study a resistively shunted semiconductor superlattice subject to a high-frequency electric field. Using a balance equation approach that incorporates the influence of the electric circuit, we determine numerically a range of amplitude and frequency of the ac field for which a dc bias and current are generated spontaneously and show that this region is likely accessible to current experiments. Our simulations reveal that the Bloch frequency corresponding to the spontaneous dc bias is
more » ... ately an integer multiple of the ac field frequency.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.80.2669 fatcat:ehdazh5uebgyjnt5czk6o2yw5a