Control to Three-phase Inverter by Sliding Mode

Mouhamadou Thiam, Gustave Sow, Dorothe Azilinon, Lamine Thiaw, Salif S. Fall, Momar Kasse, Alphousseyni Ndiaye
2014 Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology  
In this study, it is treated the modeling and the ordering of a three-phase inverter. The studied system is a load supplied with a three-phase inverter by means of a transformer. The ordering of the inverter is with PWM (pulse-width modulation/pulse-width Modulation) and its regulation is made by the sliding method. This method is presented in this document with its various laws. The simulation of the unit is made and the results presented.
doi:10.19026/rjaset.7.522 fatcat:ltllxgq7mfectlktjjesag3ihq