Undergraduate paramedic students' perceptions of a community volunteer placement

Tania Johnston, Joe Acker, Alexander MacQuarrie
2018 Australasian Journal of Paramedicine  
<p dir="LTR" align="LEFT"><strong></strong><strong>Objective</strong></p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT">This study aimed to explore first year university paramedic students' perceptions of volunteerism during a community placement.</p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT"><strong>Methods</strong></p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT">In this exploratory study we employed a cross-sectional methodology utilising a convenience sample of first year undergraduate students. Administering a paper-based survey, we measured
more » ... nts' perceptions of their experience of a 50-hour placement as a volunteer within a community organisation.</p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT"><strong>Results</strong></p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT">Of the 191 students available to participate in the study, 88 completed the survey yielding a 46.1% response rate. Survey results were positive overall and indicated that students view volunteering in a community placement as a good experience. The majority of students signalled that they had a positive impact during their placement and were inclined towards future volunteering including as paramedic volunteers.</p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT"><strong>Conclusion</strong></p><p dir="LTR" align="LEFT">Our results suggest that paramedic students positively perceive volunteering during a community placement and may be predisposed to future volunteer opportunities.</p>
doi:10.33151/ajp.15.1.524 fatcat:k6eiafx2ajhd3nmtkrqzjjrm5m