MicroRNA-mediated control of developmental lymphangiogenesis [article]

Hyun Min Jung, Ciara Hu, Alexandra M Fister, Andrew E Davis, Daniel Castranova, Van N Pham, Lisa M Price, Brant M Weinstein
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
The post-transcriptional mechanisms contributing to molecular regulation of developmental lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic network assembly are not well understood. Here, we use high throughput small RNA sequencing to identify miR-204, a highly conserved miRNA dramatically enriched in lymphatic vs. blood endothelial cells, and we demonstrate that this miRNA plays a critical role during lymphatic development. Suppressing miR-204 leads to loss of lymphatic vessel formation, while overproducing
more » ... 204 in lymphatic vessels accelerates lymphatic vessel formation, suggesting a positive role during developmental lymphangiogenesis. We also identify the NFATC1 transcription factor as a key conserved target for post-transcriptional regulation by miR-204 during lymphangiogenesis. While miR-204 suppression leads to loss of lymphatics, knocking down its target NFATC1 leads to lymphatic hyperplasia, and the loss of lymphatics in miR-204-deficient animals can be rescued by NFATC1 knockdown. Together, our results highlight a miR-204/NFATC1 molecular regulatory axis required for proper lymphatic development.
doi:10.1101/555664 fatcat:ew67t2z5mbfm7arumcubs2xgwe