Summary: A Landscape Study On Open Access (Oa) And Monographs Policies, Funding And Publishing In Eight European Countries

Ellen Collins
2018 Zenodo  
Knowledge Exchange, a multi-national collaboration to support the development of digital infrastructure to enable open scholarship, commissioned a landscape study to analyse existing information about how OA monographs operate in the six KE countries, as well as Norway and Austria. The full report is available at knowledge-exchange. info/event/open-access-monographs. This summary provides an overview of the key areas, but is by no means a substitute for the rich information contained in the
more » ... report. About the project The brief for this project contained two main objectives: Analyse existing information about OA monographs in relation to OA policies, funding streams and business models Establish information gaps or areas where Knowledge Exchange could contribute to the development of OA monographs The resulting study drew on a literature review, a series of web-based questionnaires and qualitative interviews to understand the ecology of OA monographs in different countries.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1309408 fatcat:pw4pg3lcxbef5gofsmb27cf3q4