SQL Injection analysis, Detection and Prevention [thesis]

Jagdish Halde
Web sites are dynamic, static, and most of the time a combination of both. Web sites need protection in their database to assure security. An SQL injection attacks interactive web applications that provide database services. These applications take user inputs and use them to create an SQL query at run time. In an SQL injection attack, an attacker might insert a malicious SQL query as input to perform an unauthorized database operation. Using SQL injection attacks, an attacker can retrieve or
more » ... dify confidential and sensitive information from the database. It may jeopardize the confidentiality and security of Web sites which totally depends on databases. This report presents a "code reengineering" that implicitly protects the applications which are written in PHP from SQL injection attacks. It uses an original approach that combines static as well as dynamic analysis. [2] In this report, I mentioned an automated technique for moving out SQL injection vulnerabilities from Java code by converting plain text inputs received from users into prepared statements. [3]
doi:10.31979/etd.mnyq-9gq5 fatcat:f3sbnvamnzeqfgigqwok6xtmii