Properties of Liquid Chemical Grouting Material for Soil Grouting using Non-cement Binder
무시멘트 결합재를 사용한 지반 그라우팅용 약액주입재의 특성

Jae-Hyun Lee, Yong-Ro Kim, Gyu-Yong Kim, Seong-Jin Yoon, Kyoung-Ju Mun
2016 Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction  
In this research, characteristic properties of gel time and homo gel strength of liquid chemical grouting material for soil grouting using non-cement binder(NCB) were measured according to kinds of liquid B's Binders, W/B of liquid B's Binders and the volume ratio between liquid A and liquid B in order to examine on the applicability of soil grouting material using non-cement binder. The test was performed using NCB-1, NCB-2, NCB-3 which are environment-friendly inorganic binders developed by
more » ... ans of collaboration by our research team and which are different from chemical composition ratio each other. In conclusion, it was found that NCB could be applied to liquid soil grouting material using non-cement binder and replace ordinary portland cement, because NCB had the most excellent performance in certain section of gel time and homo gel strength in condition of this experiment.
doi:10.5345/jkibc.2016.16.1.045 fatcat:p4gjtmjapjgbzfwmj6tqzmsd4m