The Effect of Defaults and Task Difficulty on Consumer Satisfaction - Implications for Value Co-Creation Processes

Veronika Schuhbeck, Verena Dorner
2015 International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik  
Companies increasingly involve consumers in product design and development, e.g. through built-to-order and mass customization or by integrating data generated at the point of sale into product development and production processes. The latter approach requires that companies provide online tools and interfaces like product configurators for consumer participation in value cocreation. Our research addresses the question how to design such tools to i) obtain reliable data and ii) keep customers
more » ... ppy with both products and value cocreation processes. In a lab experiment, we show how two interface elements, default values and task difficulty, affect consumers' product satisfaction, and satisfaction with the configuration process. Results indicate that product satisfaction is influenced by default values while process satisfaction is not, and task difficulty influences neither.
dblp:conf/wirtschaftsinformatik/SchuhbeckD15 fatcat:hxaqu7rqdzgi7fdknp2zqiexky