Stochastic conjugate gradient method for least-square seismic inversion problems

Wei Huang*, Hua-Wei Zhou
2014 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014   unpublished
With the development of computational power, there has been an increased focus on data-fitting related seismic inversion techniques for high fidelity seismic velocity model and image, such as full-waveform inversion and least square migration. However, though more advanced than conventional methods, these data fitting methods can be very expensive in terms of computational cost. Recently, various techniques to optimize these data-fitting seismic inversion problems have been implemented to cater
more » ... for the industrial need for much improved efficiency. In this study, we propose a general stochastic conjugate method for these data-fitting related inverse problems. We first prescribe the basic theory of our method and then give synthetic examples. Our numerical experiments illustrate the potential of this method for large-size seismic inversion applications. Recent numerical study in function simulation (Jiang and Wilford 2012) shows the advantage of stochastic conjugate gradient method (SCG), which could increase the efficiency of the seismic inversion problems. In this study,
doi:10.1190/segam2014-1442.1 fatcat:wo4dfzlofjfmjep5mxzvny2dxu