Corticospinal tract location in internal capsule of human brain: diffusion tensor tractography and functional MRI study

Yun-Hee Kim, Dae-Shik Kim, Ji Heon Hong, Chang Hyun Park, Ning Hua, Kevin C. Bickart, Woo Mok Byun, Sung Ho Jang
2008 NeuroReport  
We attempted to elucidate the corticospinal tract location at the posterior limb of the internal capsule in the human brain. Ten healthy volunteers were recruited. Probabilistic mapping was performed using the functional MRI activation resulting from a hand motor task as region of interest 1 and the corticospinal tract area of the anterior pons as region of interest 2.The average location of the highest density point of the corticospinal tract was mid-posterior portion with the standard from
more » ... most medial point to the most posterior point of the lenticular nucleus. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the corticospinal tract for the hand descended through the posterior portion of the posterior limb at the mid-thalamic level. NeuroReport 19:817^820
doi:10.1097/wnr.0b013e328300a086 pmid:18463493 fatcat:jrjlq6egmnfrxkpcogwaw6rbdy