Treatment of Primary Fetal Hydrothorax with OK-432 (Picibanil): Outcome in 14 Fetuses and a Review of the Literature

Brooke O''Brien, Greg Kesby, Robert Ogle, Ingrid Rieger, Jon A. Hyett
2015 Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy  
those treated with hydrops. This compares well to the cases of TAS in the literature with an average survival of 63%: 85% in fetuses without hydrops and 55% with hydrops. The mean GA at birth was 36 +4 weeks and mean birth weight 3,007 g. Eight of the 9 children screened with ASQ-3 scored well within the normal range. Conclusion: OK-432 appears to be a valid treatment option in fetuses with PFHT, particularly in those diagnosed at early GAs.
doi:10.1159/000363651 pmid:25721226 fatcat:f7tjnfv7wfh7vjgs6svzncwqay