MMSE Performance Analysis of Generalized Multibeam Satellite Channels

D. Christopoulos, J. Arnau, S. Chatzinotas, C. Mosquera, B. Ottersten
2013 IEEE Communications Letters  
Aggressive frequency reuse in the return link (RL) of multibeam satellite communications (SatComs) is crucial towards the implementation of next generation, interactive satellite services. In this direction, multiuser detection has shown great potential in mitigating the increased intrasystem interferences, induced by a tight spectrum reuse. Herein we present an analytic framework to describe the linear Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) performance of multiuser channels that exhibit full receive
more » ... correlation: an inherent attribute of the RL of multibeam SatComs. Analytic, tight approximations on the MMSE performance are proposed for cases where closed form solutions are not available in the existing literature. The proposed framework is generic, thus providing a generalized solution straightforwardly extendable to various fading models over channels that exhibit full receive correlation. Simulation results are provided to show the tightness of the proposed approximation with respect to the available transmit power. Index Terms-Multiuser detection, multibeam satellites, return link, linear minimum mean square error receivers.
doi:10.1109/lcomm.2013.052013.122658 fatcat:sxw5xl3f3zfaxmil4a5lflxusq