The Planning and Implementation Process of Town Management Plan in Kurume, Fukuoka

Misato Takeuchi, Fukuo Akimoto, Yoshitaka Kajita
2009 Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan  
In Town Center Revitalization Law (1998), a basic plan for town center revitalization and a town management plan shall be consistent with the basic policies established by the national government. However, whether these plans are really consistent with these nation policies has not yet been examined. This study, focusing on the case of Kurume, Fukuoka, aims to (1) analyze if these plans are consistent with the nation basic policies and (2) to clarify problems of these plans, the national basic
more » ... olicies and relationships between these plans and policies. The paper discloses (1) 14 commercial revitalization projects in these plans are beyond the scope of the national policies and (2) Planning committee members of the town center revitalization plan did not join the planning committee for the town management plan.
doi:10.11361/reportscpij.8.1_5 fatcat:jxdeudb7hvgexmrc26hw5l6534