Mixin-based inheritance

Gilad Bracha, William Cook
1990 SIGPLAN notices  
The diverse inheritance mechanisms provided by Smalltalk, Beta, and CLOS are interpreted as different uses of a single underlying construct. Smalltalk a.nd Beta differ primarily in the direction of class hierarchy growth. These inheritance mechanisms are subsumed in a new inheritance model ba.sed on composition of mixins, or abstract subclasses. This form of inheritance can also encode a CLOS multiple-inherita.nce hierarchy, although changes to the encoded hierarchy that would violate
more » ... ion are difficult. Practical applica.tion of mixin-based inheritance is illustrated in a sketch of an extension to Modula-3.
doi:10.1145/97946.97982 fatcat:mb7a7bvx5ve7jh26ff7eb5cpwq