Comorbidity of stuttering disordered phonology in young children

Lesley Wolk, Edward G. Conture, Mary L. Edwards
1990 South African Journal of Communication Disorders  
Young stutterers frequently exhibit concomitant speech and/or language disorders. The co-occurrence of these disorders is, however, not yet well understood. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notion of "comorbidity" as it relates to the field of speech-language pathology specifically, to discuss comorbidity (coexistence) of stuttering and disordered phonology in young children. Literature on concomitant speech and language disorders in young stutterers is reviewed, with special
more » ... nce to the prevalence of articulatory/phonological disorders in young stutterers. Future research on the coexistence of two speech and language disorders is encouraged, as well as the consideration of diagnostic treatment and prognostic implications for children who, exhibit both stuttering and disordered phonology as opposed to children who exhibit each disorder in isolation.
doi:10.4102/sajcd.v37i1.284 fatcat:byjobyp7qnfr7lac7zsnqwkilq